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B / (BELT-3) Bankson Expressive Language Test - 3rd Edition

(BELT-3-1) Complete Kit
Price: $225.00
Ages: 3-0 through 6-11
Testing Time: 30 minutes
Administration: Individual
The Bankson Expressive Language Test–Third Edition (BELT-3) is an individually administered assessment of young children’s expressive language skills. It has two subtests that cover a variety of linguistic areas: Lexical Semantics (e.g.,nouns, verbs, categories, functions, prepositions) and Morphology and Syntax (e.g., verb usage/tense, auxiliaries, modals, copula, comparatives/superlatives, negation, questions). The BELT-3 can be used to (a) identify young children who have expressive language impairments, (b) plan interventions, and (c) representexpressive language ability in research studies.
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