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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : O

(DOTCA-Ch) Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment/Children. Assessment and Learning Potential for school ages children with special needs.

(OPUS) Oral Passage Understanding Scale
A new measure of listening (auditory) comprehension. It evaluates a person’s ability to listen to passages that are read aloud and recall information about them. This ability is key to success in the classroom, as well as in social and occupational settings. The OPUS also measures memory skills, which are integral to listening comprehension.

(OSMSE-3) Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Exam 3rd Ed.

(OWLS) Listening Comprehension / Oral and Written Expression Kit The OWLS consist of three co-normed scales that provide a highly useful measure of oral and written language.

(OWLS-II) Oral and Written Language Scales 2nd Ed.
New in the OWLS-II: Reading Comprehension Scale; Updated Norms; Parallel Forms; New and Revised Items; Improved Scoring and Interpretation Guidelines; Full Color Materials; identifies students with learning disabilities, language disorders, and related difficulties in accordance with IDEA requirements

(O-MMATS-1) Oral Motor Myofunctional Approach to Speech
Price: $78.25

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