(EESRS) Einstein Evaluation of School Related Skills
The EESRS-2 is the new revision for the Einstein evaluation of school related skills. Perfect for the at-home-schooler, the Einstein will check to see if your child is making the grade. Now complete with new stimulus items for visual motor performance, with new levels inclusive of preschool, kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grade. The new Einstein 2 measures school-related achievement skills for: language/cognition, letter and word recognition, oral reading, reading comprehension, auditory memory, arithmetic and visual-motor performance.

(ELLA) Emerging Literacy & Language Assessment
The Emerging Literacy & Language Assessment (ELLA), evaluates the skills children ages 4;6 to 9;11 need to become proficient readers. The ELLA meets Early Reading First requirements for educators needing to use evidence-based diagnostic tools to identify children at risk for reading failure. The manual includes a Curriculum and Classroom Connection for each of the 22 subtests and case studies to help you establish treatment and IEP goals.

(ESS) Essential Skills Screener
3 Completes, Manual, Book & Forms The math and writing screeners can be group administered, often leading to efficient screening and scoring of an entire class in about an hour.