
(SAVRY) Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth
The SAVRY is composed of 24 items in three risk domains (Historical Risk Factors, Social/Contextual Risk Factors, and Individual/Clinical Factors), drawn from existing research and the professional literature on adolescent development as well as on violence and aggression in youth.

(SIPA) Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents
The SIPA is a screening and diagnostic instrument that identifies areas of stress in parent–adolescent interactions, allowing examination of the relationship of parenting stress to adolescent characteristics, parent characteristics, the quality of the adolescent–parent interactions, and stressful life circumstances.

(SLICK) Strategies for learning in the Class room for Kids.
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD! This Product contains small parts including small dice & game pieces. Must have adult supervision.
Series of fun filled Pre-Primer learning strategies that progresses on two levels: On level1 books are read aloud in conjunction w the use of stimulus items. Second level progresses from concrete to higher levels of learning using games and color cards: targets imagery,visualization,rehearsal, talk yourself through, substitutes, paraphrase, description. (Piage' stimulus items; auditory re enforcement theory).
for autistic, adhd, asperger, including symptomatic persons in a class room environment. Person to Person administration.