J.J. Duffy Funeral Home

At J. J. Duffy Funeral Home, our goal is to provide a meaningful, unique service to suit the needs, and desires of the families we serve.
We Provide Many Different Types of Services:
Traditional Burial: Funeral service arrangements that include a visitation (wake) and funeral ceremony, followed by burial at the cemetery.
Direct Burial: Funeral arrangements for burial in a cemetery without having any ceremony or visitation.
Traditional Cremation: While very similar to traditional burial, the difference is that following the funeral; the deceased is transferred to a crematory instead of the funeral procession going to the cemetery.
Direct Cremation: Direct cremation is selected when no ceremony or visitation is desired.
Memorial Service: Funeral arrangements that include a service without the body present. This type of service can include a visitation, or committal service at the gravesite.
International Arrangements: Funeral arrangements that include any portion of a Traditional Burial, except with arrangements for burial overseas. J. J. Duffy Funeral Home is an international shipping specialist.
With any funeral arrangement selection, there are many ways to personalize and memorialize the deceased. Our funeral directors, and staff, will assist in creating a uniquely personal, and meaningful funeral service. We will tailor services to meet the lifestyle and personality of the life that was so cherished. Family pictures, personal music, and flexibility of funeral directors and staff are only a few of the ways; our families find comfort, through personal expression.
The hallmark of J. J. Duffy Funeral Home is “Our Family Serving Your Family.” The first goal of our staff is to EASE THE BURDEN, in one of the most difficult times of a person’s life, the loss of a loved one.
MILITARY FUNERALS We offer personal assistance with filing of Veterans claims. Our staff can determine eligibility and file the necessary paperwork for you to receive entitlements.
Eligible Veterans are entitled to: * United States Flag * Honor Guard and Firing Squad at committal services * Other benefits may be available depending on place of death, and rank of the deceased.
SOCIAL SECURITY We notify the Social Security Administration and assist in applying for benefits. The SSA will pay a death benefit of $255 to a surviving spouse or dependant child. Other benefits may be available, and one of our funeral directors are able to advise families on benefits available.
INSURANCE CLAIMS Our staff will provide expert assistance in filing for life insurance proceeds. Funeral directors are able to take insurance assignments in order to use benefits to cover the costs of a funeral service at J. J. Duffy Funeral Home.