J.J. Duffy
Funeral Home

“PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE” is the National Funeral Directors Association premier program for honoring excellence and unshakable ethical standards in funeral service.  Recipient firms, such as J. J. Duffy Funeral Home, earn high-profile, national recognition for their outstanding service, professional integrity, and dynamic public relations.

The Pursuit of Excellence program was created by the NFDA in 1991, as a compeitition for excellence.  The program recognizes those who qualify, and develop their P.O.E. programs each year.   This program challenges J. J. Duffy Funeral Home to continually act on new ideas, offer new programs and services, and continually meet the needs of the community.

The J. J. Duffy Funeral Home has been awarded the Pursuit of Excellence award for the past seven years, dating back to October of 1996.  Most recently in 2002, we have received the “Eagle Award,” the NFDA’s second highest honor.  

In 2003, the staff of J. J. Duffy Funeral home will attempt to earn the NFDA’s highest honor,  the prestigious “Golden Eagle” award.

As funeral directors we herewith fully acknowledge our individual and collective obligations to the public, especially those we serve, our mutual responsibilities for the benefit of the funeral service profession.

To the public, we pledge vigilant support of public health laws; proper legal regulations for the members of our profession; devotion to high moral and service standards; conduct befitting good citizens; honesty in all offerings of funeral service and in all business transactions.

To those we serve, we pledge confidential business and professional relationships; cooperation with the customs of all religions and creeds; observance of all respect due to the deceased; high standards of competence and dignity in the conduct of all service; truthful representation of all funeral service offerings.

To our profession, we pledge support of high ethical standards and licensing laws; encouragement of scientific research; adherence to sound business practices; adaptation of improved techniques; observance of legal standards of competition; maintenance of favorable personnel relations.

We subscribe to the principles set forth in the code of ethics of the National Funeral Directors Association and pledge our best efforts to make them effective.