J.J. Duffy
Funeral Home

"Member of Lofty Oaks since 1982"

Lofty Oaks Remembrance Memorials are one of the most meaningful ways to express your sympathy to families. While flowers will fade, the thought of a young tree being planted for someone will last a lifetime. The memorial planting is a remembrance of the past and at the same time a renewing of life.

J. J. Duffy Funeral Home is an active member of the Lofty Oaks Association.  This program provides families we serve with the comfort that their loved one with be remembered eternally.  The Lofty Oaks program provides a memorial tree planting on behalf of J. J. Duffy Funeral Home.  Since it inception into the Lofty Oaks Program, JJ Duffy has arranged for more than 1,500 trees to be planted in Rhode Island, and New England and Connecticut.