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Slosson educational tests and assessments for teachers, educators and other professionals, in schools, hospitals, and corrections.  Used to test students in regular and special education, remedial reading and math, intelligence, visual motor, speech language for school screening and forms for teachers to evaluation students' mental abilities.

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Main Category : R / (RIST) Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test
(RIST-1) RIST Complete Set
Price: $240.00
Qty :
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST) NEW

Randy W. Kamphaus, Cecil R. Reynolds

Age: 3 - 94
Administration: 10 - 15 minutes, Individual

The RIST provides a quick, reliable assessment of an individual’s general cognitive abilities. The RIST is also a valuable tool for estimating intelligence for large groups, research investigations, determining the current cognitive status of patients, planning vocational and rehabilitation programs, multiple gate assessments, and reassessing individuals who have had a previous comprehensive evaluation.

The examiner presents the two RIST subtests (Guess What and Odd-Item Out) to the client, beginning with the age-based subtest item, and then records the client’s responses on the RIST Record Form. The RIST Index is highly correlated with the FSIQs of the WISC-III (.83) and the WAIS-III (.67). The relationships between the RIST Index and the WISC-III and WAIS-III VIQs and PIQs are similar to the pattern found for the RIAS Indexes. Thus, evidence supports the RIST as an appropriate screening instrument for intelligence.

Guess What is a classic measure of crystallized intelligence, while Odd-Item Out shares characteristics with marker tasks of fluid intelligence. The summed subtest T scores are converted to yield the RIST Index (M=100, SD=15). Conversion tables provided in the RIAS/RIST Professional Manual can be used to obtain percentile ranks, 90% and 95% confidence intervals, T scores, z scores, NCE’s and stanines. RIST norms are based on the RIAS normative sample of 2,438 individuals

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