Elect Lady Nancy Billups

Deliverance Temple has truly been a blessing in my life. In Matthew 22:37Jesus states to “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, andwith all thy mind.”This is the commandment God supernaturally spoke to me by the power of the Holy Ghost over twenty years ago.   Early in my Christian walk I learned that it was “better to obey than to sacrifice.”Serving under the leadership of my husband, Jessie Billups has been a great honor. He’s not only my pastor, but he also my best friend; a man of integrity and great character.
It is an honor to be called the Mother of our church. It’s not a position that I take lightly. I know that my life is, and will continually be under scrutiny to those who God place under our ministry as well as those looking for an example of what a true woman of God should be.
My husband and I are committed to the Ministry over which God has placed us. God leads our hearts and minds through prayer and sound doctrine of His word.Our goal is to invoke Christlikeness in the hearts of those that God has appointed to our ministry. My continual prayer is that God allows me to keep a submitted heart to keep his Word and love His people with the love of God.The Spirit has given me a strong desire to pray for those that are lost. There are so many hurting, discouraged, and sometime hopeless people in the world. My word to each of you is that there is hope in Jesus Christ.