"If I could have anyone I wanted..."
Atlantis Heights Creator, Duke Rightious, Talks About His Ideal Cast:

"Probably the most central character in Atlantis Heights is Andrea Chance.  She is tenacious, in control, and (sometimes) vulnerable.  Currently she is the on site real estate agent for Atlantis Heights...

...In a perfect world, the person I would pick for this part is the lovely Geena Davis.   My RightiousWorks  partner Glen does not agree with me on this - through his naivete.  The trick, I guess would be getting her to commit to seven seasons, which is how the show is arched out and is usually the standard commitment for a television series.  Who agrees with me on this?  Or has a better suggestion (ha!)?  You have to read the pilot with her in mind to really 'get it', btw!"