Kendall, Taylor & Company, Inc
For over one hundred and twenty years Kendall, Taylor & Co., Inc. has provided a full range of architectural, engineering, and planning services, including asbestos and lead consulting services.
381 Boston Road, Billerica, MA  01821  TEL:  978-667-2900   FAX:  978-667-2960   


The clients program for Mirak Chevrolet included a large site with several existing structures and numerous areas of open space.  Mirak Chevrolet is a 16,000 Square Foot Building with a two-story showroom.  The showroom, which runs the full length of the building is flanked by a main reception area and offices/conference rooms to the rear.
Mirak Chevrolet
Mirak Chevrolet before construction

Click on any image below to enlarge

New interior showroom of Mirak ChevroletInterior showroom of Mirak Chevrolet after construction

Interior showroom views after construction