Kendall, Taylor & Company, Inc
For over one hundred and twenty years Kendall, Taylor & Co., Inc. has provided a full range of architectural, engineering, and planning services, including asbestos and lead consulting services.
381 Boston Road, Billerica, MA  01821  TEL:  978-667-2900   FAX:  978-667-2960   
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can we learn more about your company before committing ourselves to a contract with Kendall, Taylor and Company, Inc?

A: All prospective clients are encouraged to set up a free consultation with one of our architectural consultants. Our consultants would be more than happy to answer any questions you have, and to provide you with further information about our company, past projects and our architectural objectives.

Q: What is the difference between an architect and a building designer?

A: Building designers are not regulated and carry no standardized requirements. Architects, on the other hand, must pass a state administered examination and are licensed by their state, ensuring they meet rigid educational and training standards and must adhere to a code of ethics.

Q: What should I prepare for an initial meeting with an architect?

A: Please come prepared to discuss your budget, program and site parameters at your initial consultation. All of these issues are essential in determining what kind of project is aesthetically, structurally and financially feasible.

Q: What other professionals should I consult with on a building project?

A: You may want to consider consulting a surveyor or civil engineer.  Depending upon your project needs, you may also want to consult with a variety of other professionals such as structural, mechancial, plumbing, fire protection and electrical  engineers which KTC can provide as part of a team of consultants.