Global Chem Source Corp.
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Main Category : Asphalt Release Agents and Solvents / ASPHALT RELEASE AGENTS
Maxi-KREME (5 gal. pail) Contact GCS For Pricing

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Item Id: 708357
Maxi KREME Video

Maxi-KREME is a proprietary blend of heat
resistant, environmentally friendly and biodegradable oils. A proprietary blend of surfactants is installed to allow the product to be blended with water at ratios upwards of 30:1. This unique formula creates a very visual heat resistant, NON stick barrier on truck beds, paving equipment and tool surfaces.

Maxi-KREME is a 100% biodegradable, non-petroleum based asphalt release agent that will help users meet regulatory compliance goals without sacrificing performance. It is a great alternative to diesel with out affecting the quality of the asphalt. It's extremely effective on cold or hot metals in a variety of weather conditions and Asphalt mixes.

It can be used in concentrated form for cleaning asphalt equipment and tools and is an effective release agent for polymer asphalt mixes. It's more effective than diesel fuel, detergent, or pine and citrus-based products.

Using Maxi-KREME reduces risk and improves worksite safety. It uses no phosphates, acids or distillates, and is not regulated under dangerous materials. It has no special handling requirements, no carcinogens or hidden toxins.

Combine Maxi-KREME 011 with one of our GCS Asphalt Relaese Spray Systems listed below and you are on your way to the most efficeint and trouble free opperation available.
GCS D/R Asphalt Release Spray System (Canadian customers, please call for local distributor information)
Price: $529.00
GCS S/R Asphalt Release Spray System(Canadian customers, please call for local distributor information)
Price: $395.00