Norwich Connecticut Rose of New England

   Completely Norwich

Norwich Connecticut,
as a quality rose,
 is awakening from a quiet winter season.
          With all of the energy and promise of spring, Norwich is
     vigorously branching out with new growth, growth that is formed
     on a strong and reliable foundation. Our foundation has been built 
     over many years of hard work and with the dedication of the people
     who live and work here. Whether you are looking for a home, or a
     vacation destination, Norwich offers a lot of opportunities for fun,
     growth and education.
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 Norwich Trivia


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  We are currently working on a new look for the site as
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Seat Bus Schedual South Eastern Transit

Movies, movie star, local listings

Norwich Connecticut Backus Health Centers,Walk in Clinic

Estelle Cohn Memorial Dog Park
Pawsitive Park, Estel Cohn Memorial Dog Park
"Money can buy you a
wonderful dog, but
only love will make him
wag his tail."
~Bits&Pieces 4/19/01
