Global Chem Source Corp.
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Main Category : Concrete (Ready Mix Truck and Equipment Cleaners) / BUST-A-CRETE HCL RM Truck Cleaner
BUST-A-CRETE RM Truck Cleaner
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Price: $327.25
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BUST-A-CRETE is a full concentrate, acidic ph detergent designed to clean and maintain concrete trucks and related equipment. BUST-A-CRETE is formulated for heavy-thick concrete build-up, but when diluted with water, is still a highly effective cleaner of moderate build-up, cement film, road dirt and grime.

Directions: Dilute BUST-A-CRETE 2:1 up to 8:1 with water as desired. Brush, spray or foam on to surface and agitate with brush. Rinse well with cold water. When washing the cab or areas where glass is present, BUST-A-CRETE should be diluted 8:1 with water to avoid etching. Pre wet glass areas before washing. Always rinse well with water.