Global Chem Source Corp.
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Main Category : Asphalt Release Agents and Solvents / ASPHALT SOLVENTS AND REMOVERS
825 CRUNCH - Organic Engine Degreaser
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Price: $74.30
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825 CRUNCH - Organic Engine Degreaser:
CRUNCH is a USDA authorized concentrated blend of organic solvents in a gel base. The gel base allows product to cling to vertical and irregular surfaces. It works quickly to penetrate and emulsify tar, asphalt, grease and oil. It washes off with water or solvent. This product is safe and easy to use. Spray on and wash off with water. Does not contain 1,1,1 Trichloroethane, CFCs or petroleum distillates. Classified C-1 USDA. HMIS CODES: R-1, F-1, H-1, P-1