Global Chem Source Corp.
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Main Category : Truck and Bus Wash (Liquid and Powdered) / RV / TRUCK & BUS WASH
TRUCK & BUS WASH 2228 (POWDER) ( Economical High Performance Fleet Wash Compound)
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Price: $760.00
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DESCRIPTION: This product is a mildly alkaline, pink, free-flowing powder, designed for manual or machine washing of transportation equipment.

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: This product is a homogenous blend that will not cake or layer in the drums. It is readily soluble. Extremely free rinsing and is well supplied with sequestering agents so that it may be used with water of any hardness. This product is safe for use on all metals, paints, plastics, and rubber.

SUGGESTED USES: The ideal material for the quick, simple, economical method for efficiently washing trucks, trailer, cars and buses. It may be used not only as an exterior cleaner, but also for cleaning the inside of trailers and for in-place engine cleaning.


NORMAL USE - In water solutions at a concentration of from 2-4 pounds per 50 gallons. The weaker solutions are used for all normal washing.

FOR EXTREMELY DIRTY TRUCKS - Use 3 pounds per 50 gallons of water.

FOR ENGINE CLEANING - Use 4 pounds per 50 gallons of water.

The solution is applied with a spray wand and suitable pump, such as a Graco President. Spray the entire vehicle, making sure all surfaces are completely wetted. Allow to set 2-3 minutes and follow with a pressure water rinse. In most cases, no hand rubbing will be needed to remove the soil. After rinsing, the vehicle is allowed to drain dry. Little wiping is needed to avoid water spotting.

SAFETY: Non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-hazardous. No special storage or handling procedures are required.