Global Chem Source Corp.
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Main Category : Truck and Bus Wash (Liquid and Powdered) / RV / TRUCK & BUS WASH
TRUCK-BRITE 3010 ( High Foam Truck Wash)
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Price: $45.95
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DESCRIPTION: A clear, blue-green colored, concentrated, liquid alkaline detergent designed for general all around cleaning. Compounded to meet the stringent cleaning requirements of the trucking industry.

In addition to mild balanced alkaline ingredients, it incorporates selected sequestering agents along with high foaming, efficient wetting agents, and water soluble organic solvents.

Completely water soluble and the detergent material is biodegradable. Special surfactants insure rapid penetration of soil and free and complete rinsing. The product works in both hot and cold water. The material is self foaming.

SUGGESTED USES: The ideal detergent for removal of all types of soil from both painted and non-painted surfaces.

Extremely versatile solutions can be used as a hand cleaner or with pressure cleaner, steam cleaners or foaming devices.

Excellent for washing exteriors of buses, trucks, and trailers. Foam on, pressure off - use brush on extremely soiled surfaces.

Concentrated, the material should be cut from 3:1 to as high as 50:1 with water. Solutions can be used on floors and walls of reefer interiors by foam or pressure cleaning method.

Excellent for cleaning change rooms, showers, and tile surfaces.

Leaves a pleasant, clean odor.

SAFETY: No special handling or storage is required. However, since the material is alkaline, continuous exposure to the concentrated solution should be avoided.

In case of eye contact, immediately flush with large volumes of water and obtain medical attention.

Color Blue-Green
Fragrance Butyl
Type of surfactants Nonionic/anionic
Phosphates 5.6%
pH 13.5
Active Ingredients 25.0%
Specific Gravity 1.085
Hard Water Compatibility Excellent
Shelf Life Indefinite
Grease Cutting Ability Excellent
Soil Penetration Excellent