 BIOFREEZE can effectively help relieve pain from: | ILEX (South American Holly) BIOFREEZE is formulated with ILEX, a South American herbal extract, which results in long lasting, deep penetrating pain relief. Patients report up to six hours of pain relief. Biofreeze is the only analgesic containing ILEX.
| BIOFREEZE is the only analgesic to relieve pain with ILEX, a herbal extract from a South  American holly shrub. The ILEX works to extend the properties of the three analgesics contained in BIOFREEZE. The result is a deep, long lasting pain relief period and acceleration of the basic healing process through relaxation of stiff, aching muscles, Biofreeze Roll-on or Biofreeze Gel can also help to relieve pain caused by Arthritis and Neuropathy. Users receive pain relief within minutes and after two or three applications BIOFREEZE's maximum benefits can be felt. BIOFREEZE does not use waxes, oils, aloe or petroleum. The result is a fast-acting, deep penetrating, long lasting pain reliever.
COOL SOOTHING RELIEF If you suffer from any of the above, then BIOFREEZE is for you. Simply apply to the sore spot. After 2 - 3 applications, maximum benefit will be felt. BIOFREEZE Cool Gel & Roll-on is ideal for the relief of muscle aches. pains and joint discomfort and pain typically associated with minor back, neck, shoulder ache, tendonitis, muscle over-use, strains/stress and sports injuries BIOFREEZE is greaseless and stainless with a vanishing scent. |